I'm not sure what's actually worth saying. I don't really want to write about that game. I can't imagine you really want to read about it. State is wildly flawed, and I've accepted that, but there is nothing to excuse the absolute sell job in the fourth quarter of this game. State lost to an impotent football team, and it did so with surgical precision. I'm not sure what the point of trying to dissect any of that is. At some point, you can only do so much soul searching before you are who you are. Please enjoy the cover photo of my cat in the sink.
Anyway, here are my five favorite films of all time. Share your list in the comments.
Good Will Hunting
Die Hard
Say Anything...
Pulp Fiction
Shawshank Redemption
Eternal Sunshine
There Will Be Blood
Toy Story 2
Toy Story
Toy Story 3
(not Toy Story 4)
Cars 3
(not cars 2)
Office Space